Beschreibung: |
EUROPA der REGIONEN >>> GEOINFO network PL <> SN <<< Communication, Coordination & Collaboration across Borders of Saxonia<>Silesia Euregios INSPIRE'd Geodata, GeoInformation and GeoServices for GEOSpatial Planning and Decision making -- This is an *** OPEN *** GEO-WebForum for stakeholders and endusers in the cadastral, planning and geo-enviro-spatio information sectors. Nevertheless, for security reasons you have ** TO SUBSCRIBE ** to the list at URL: --> [ https://www.list.kbx7.de/list?join=PL-CBC-SN-L ].
IGN >>> INNOVATION. Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk e.V. [http://www.IGN-SN.de ]
Auto-subscription to the list service is needed in advance ! -- The future of an ENLARGED "Europe of Regions", e.g. regional clusters of X-border-NETWORKS of organizations and communities, plays an very important role, and especially for the trilateral ENLARGED Silesia & Bohemia & Saxonia X-border-REGION. Therefore, the [ PL-CBC-SN-L ] is a tool to support joint discussions, to apply for and coordinate projects and to provide access to up-to-date data, information and knowledge resources of crossborder and interregional Euregios, e.g. CBC between bohemian, saxonian, silesian and their adjacent regions in Europe. -- REGISTRATION to this list: [ https://www.list.kbx7.de/list?join=PL-CBC-SN-L ]
Fill in your official mailaddress, name, select & repeat your personal password, and then send the form to the mail gateway. You will receive a confirmation message from the listserver to proof your email. You must reply to this confirmation to be subscribed to... ! -- This is a ***free of charge*** listserver sponsored by [www.KBX7.de] ! -- After subscription you will be able to send messages --> [ Mailto:PL-CBC-SN-L@kbx7.de ] and/or receive mail from ALL other subscribed list members automatically...
This web forum "PL-CBC-SN-L" has been created following the Conclusions of GI2006-Symposium by IGN e.V. at 23.05.2006. --> [ https://www.kbx7.de/?lid=13692&c=list ].
CONTACT: IGN e.V. - Dresden / Saxony (DE) --> [ Mailto: Vorstand @ IGN-SN.de ] TEL / FAX: +49-351-401.4260
Last updated: 05.01.2016 by [IGN, FH].
Kategorien: |
KBX7 > Business und Arbeit > Management > Wissensmanagement
KBX7 > Wissenschaft > Natur > Umwelt
Gegründet: |
23.05.2006 |
Art: |
Sprache: |
englisch |
Erscheinungsform: |
HTML oder Text
Teilnehmer: |
4 |
Nachrichten: |
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